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Featured resource: Accessibility for Everyone

Can you describe what the book is about?

Accessibility For Everyone is an introductory book about how we can make websites better for disabled people. It’s aimed at anyone who makes websites, and covers a variety of topics to help people get started with accessibility; including why accessibility is so important, understanding impairments that affect how people use the web and how we can improve accessibility in a variety of roles.

My brother Sam and I also made an audiobook version of Accessibility For Everyone. The audiobook is a few hours of me reading the book aloud, with the concepts behind the code examples and images explained so it can standalone from the text version.

What were your goals in writing the book?

Firstly, I wanted to write a book that got people caring about accessibility. If we care about people and their needs, it will be reflected in the work we do.

Secondly, I wanted my book to act as an introductory bridge for people who knew nothing about accessibility to the huge breadth and depth of work shared by accessibility experts and disability activists. Because once we understand the basics, we can start understanding how the work of others can be used to implement change in our own projects.

What is one important thing someone reading your book will learn?

That accessibility is often the difference between someone be able to participate or being completely excluded. Accessibility is not a nice-to-have, it’s respecting people’s fundamental rights.

Is there any other info you'd like to share about it, or your experience doing accessibility work?

Accessibility may not be the easiest part of our work, but it is always worth the effort.